How can I test my website without making changes to DNS?

How can I test my website without making changes to DNS?

You can test your Web site without having to point your domain name to your new server. You can do this by editing your hosts file.


Step 1: notepad run as administrator

Open notepad as Administrator via start-> Type: notepad-> right click, and then click Run as administrator.

Step 2: Open hosts file in notepad

Go to file-open in notepad >-select all files-> open the following file: "(disk drive):/WINDOWS/SYSTEM32/DRIVERS/ETC/HOSTS"

Step 3: put your domain name in the hosts file

In the hosts file create you a new line:
< server ip address > < >
So for example:
Save file

Step 4: visit your domain name now

Restart your browser and surf to your domain name. This should now point to your hosting package.